Cranial Sacral Therapy
Cranial Sacral Therapy is a light touch, hands-on modality that examines the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord (also called the Central Nervous System). The CNS is the one in charge and regulates all of the other systems. This is an important place to start! There is a fluid that flows within those membranes which cushions the brain and spinal cord called the Cerebral Spinal Fluid. This fluid brings in new nutrients to the brain, bathing the brain, then clears away toxins. If there is a disruption in the system either from a fascial strain due to an accident or injury, a trauma/emotion/memory that is stored deeply in the body causing an “energy cyst” which is draining energy from the body, or any other imbalance of the body, the nervous system is not operating at it’s optimal capacity.
In this modality, we believe that the body has wisdom and that the body knows exactly what it needs to do to heal itself. We also believe that 'it would if it could', meaning that there is some reason why the strain pattern still exists and the body hasn’t been able to dissipate it. This could be from the body being depleted and not having enough energy, this could be from an injury pattern (either emotionally or physically) where the body cannot continue healing the same area to just have it reinjured again, this could be from a trauma that happened long ago but the body is now ready to bring up for healing. I never know what the treatment plan is for the body that day, but I connect to the client's inner wisdom and can energetically feel where the body is needing support. I will go to the area and offer my skills, whether it be allowing the body to fill or empty out energy in that area, performing myofascial release techniques in order to free up more space for the body to operate, or using therapeutic imagery and diagloue in order for the client to understand on a deeper level what the body is wanting to communicate. One of the goals of CST is to help people connect more deeply with their own body’s wisdom.
What does CST look like in practice?
It totally depends on each client. I will always have a client lay down on the table and I place my hands on their feet. I am feeling for their Craniosacral Rhythm (it feels like an internal/external rotation of the limbs in response to the creation or emptying of the Cerebral Spinal Fluid). I am also asking the body to show me the area of greatest need that day. It might be a fascial strain or pattern that’s affecting the function of the Central Nervous System. It might be an area of walled off energy related to an emotion or trauma. It might be that the body is so depleted or so hypervigilant that I just need to stay at the feet and help the person settle into their body and breathe.
Depending on the client’s specific intention for the session and my evaluation, I begin working directly with the client’s inner wisdom and begin treatment. For a client with migraines, this might look like work with the upper back, neck, and shoulders, releasing any patterns of tension that might arise. Eventually, we will get into the head and I will assess the movement of all of the cranial bones. The cranial bones are not fused; there are living cells in between all of the bones in the sutures. There is a little bit of give due to the collagen that is found there. By giving gentle, extended traction, I can help the body find a new position (a new normal) so that cerebral spinal fluid can flow more easily. There are many different hand positions I use to achieve this, but I am always listening to the body and following the treatment plan of the inner wisdom.
For a client with trauma, this may look like going to the site of a physical trauma and the body moving into the position it was in when the trauma occurred. Emotions and memories may also release as the body is held with safety and love in this position. An inner child image may come up and the client may want to imagine the situation in a different way or with new resources. I am the supporting role in this, never forcing the client into anything. I have my hands on the body the whole time and am still feeling the Craniosacral rhythm. When the rhythm is not noticeable, it means that something significant is happening for the client and that healing and resolution can happen. My role is asking open ended questions and reflecting back what the client has said.
Our Cranial Sacral Therapist
Lauren Fuhrmann, OT, CST-T
Licensed Occupational Therapist, Certified Cranial Sacral Therapist