Community Events


How to Think About, Work-With, and Relate to Queers in Psychotherapy


Saturday, April 12, 2025, 10am - 4pm

Kimbell Building, Downtown Bryan, TX
(in-person only)

$199 - Licensed
$125 - Associates
$99 - Students

6-hour Cultural Competency CEU Training for LPs, LPCs, LMFTs, and LCSWs

"The big secret about sex is that most people don't like it,"  the queer American academic Leo Bersani provocatively writes at the beginning of one of his many  essays. Yet, in today's culture, it seems like sex and sexual orientation, gender identity, and sexual/gender politics are anywhere and everywhere - conflated and being attacked and screaming at the top of their lungs. Now more than ever. What could this all be about? Why now and what's going on within this cultural war? What do all of those letters and ideas and identities stand for and stand-in for? Why is there so much energy, even right now, over these issues? And—how on earth does one think about all of this in psychotherapy and praxis, especially as someone other than a queer-identified person?

Fabulous questions, really. So glad you asked. 

Join us for a dynamic afternoon of addressing these culturally relevant curiosities. Michael bring along not only his lifetime's experience of struggled queerness to the table, but also his twelve years of deep, rich clinical psychoanalytic psychotherapy and relational experiences of working with a wide variety of queer identified people. Through the discussion we will dismantle intimidation, anxieties, fears, judgments, and unconscious biases in working with the queer population to create connected, embodied, and respectful relationships instead. We'll deepen and encourage complex thinking and feeling while working through issues that queer people face - going beyond the splits of simple cheerleading or utter rejection. We will free up imaginations to build respectful understanding and open, reflective minds to the stranger that sits in front us. Inso doing , we’ll align more closely with the attention that psychotherapy values and aims to offer every human being that crosses the threshold into our offices. These—and so, so much more. 


Some practical objectives and aims that you will walk away from our adventure together

1) To position ourselves more comfortably and effectively to welcome the queer stranger in oneself and within the patient - identified queer or otherwise. 

2) To engage and understand aspects of queer identity and experience both in historic culture and in the modern treatment room.

3) To equip ourselves with real, embodied, practical knowledge, and curiosity of how to engage relationally and therapeutically with members of the queer community.

4) To understand more, the roles of pain, shame, and narcissistic defenses in deep and complex treatment. 

Worth learning? We think so. 

So whether gay or straight, queer or ally, trans or cisgender, woman or man or they or them or confused—let's come together to experience and learn how to better facilitate what the psychoanalyst W.R. Bion said the ultimate goal of any psychotherapy should aim towards: to introduce the patient to oneself—which of course, is a marriage that will last for as long as one lives.

Past Events

Training & Networking Event for Therapists

Tuesday, November 19, 2024 - 7-9pm

“Staying in the Work” with Dr. Mary Ann Covey

Location: Roots - 4189 State Hwy 6 South (Extraco Bank Building)

Cost: $10 (1 CEU provided for LPCs, LMFTs, LCSWs)

Topic: Dr. Covey will be discussing the concept that the opposite of burnout is staying invested and excited in the clinical work with authenticity and presence. So how do we create a practice that we invest in our clients and find sustainable joy, and what is my role as a clinician?


7-8 pm - Dr. Covey “Staying in the Work”

8-9 pm - Networking with cocktails & hors d'oeuvres

2024 Mental Health Awareness Art Contest

Our art contest is now over! Thank you to everyone who submitted your art work and our wonderful judges who participated. It was deeply moving to see such amazing artists express how they see mental health. Stay tuned to see all artwork submitted displayed on our website and through our social media.

We had a really good time celebrating our local artists, and if you are a current client, you can now see our selected art pieces displayed in our waiting area for the next year!

2024 Mental Health Artwork

2023 Mental Health Artwork